Some mildly delerious contemplation about becoming a bogan in the west. No. Here's cheers for all the happy hours that I missed with people over the silly season.
Lamaze child toys turns into private joke. Too close for comfort Uncle Jeremy, you fruit you. Thanks to MEBIM for the technical support in obtaining this 'jem'.
Imagine strange hissing sound. I'm going to be listening so hard when back east to see if sprinklers are still in use. This was around 10am sun up full tilt. Crappy housing commission duplex with asbestos fences even has flat out underground watering systems. Impressive but insane suburban standards.
As a young tacker my grandparents took me and my cousins to a sugar cane processing plant near Cairns. This shit really really stinks. I was thinking about trips to Port Kembla when I remembered this other Aussie icon. Sure this poster is American, but great font and her hair is fantastic. Let's dance.
Super mum. What a gal, I'm so proud I could burst. Not looking forward to goodbyes tomorrow. There's gonna be Tina Tears. We can always use another hero. And all the private dancers we can muster. Unnghhh. All the men come in these places...
Apple corer makes me an instant jeweller. That's me; apple corer, staple gun and a bucket of PVA. What a catch! Please burn a match after you use the bog.
A bit of cultural whiplash I guess. The lawns here are all like bowling greens, watered 3 times a day with fancy inground sprinkler systems. They obviously haven't heard of water restrictions over here in the west. Cut them off I say!
Try these out for search perameters; agricultural print, agricultural packaging, onion bag label. Oh yeah. My immense knowledge of wearing the soft could not resist this challenge and hungrilly looks forward to more of the same.
I have committed to spending the whole day with the Quay Bros so how could you not be a little bit excited about that! All quiet on the libraric western front, I have net connection, notes and ideas. Let the writing flow.
Not a happy camper after last night and then this mornings xmas knit-fester. Writing is like shitting bricks today. No weak sloppy for me, just eye popping constipation. Grunt.
There is some heated passionate knitting discussion going on here in the library. Very distracting the debates about corner to corner and the value of show versus tell. These women are a little bit too excited for a public space, I mean c'mon, people are trying to work here! Had to pick this blurry image because it comes from and has Emu on it. Maybe I wont die in my flat alone to be found after a week has gone by after all?
Apologies. There are bound to be a few more of these. Grace is talking metaphysical positions on verisimilitude, I'm the one going goo goo gaa gaa. Smitten.
Whilst hanging out in Barca I discovered the minature pinscher which is slightly more butch and heroic than the sweet sensitive italian greyhound. This guy might even be a bit gay? You can also get a version that has rusted! Tough call. Wonder what my statuesque standard poodle friend might prefer?
I am absolutely going to finish this god damn postgraduate project. That useless piece of paper is mine. This image is my work space at the local library where I get down to the serious business of waffle. Very comfortable. I get here at 9am when the library opens after walking about half an hour from my sisters place. I still keep waking up at 3am Melbourne time. Had the most craziest of dreams last night about an old flame that had hooked up with Lindsay Lohan and was being really mean to me and then all my moustache hair started falling out in chunks! Really AWFUL!
Part of a burgeoning exploration into the numeric form of the force. Fours. More to come now that I am onto it although they promise to be as abstract as these two. Nice little holiday project to keep the mind distracted. Check the leg hair.
Places and spaces catch my eye. These are the times when I wish I was a real photographer so I could capture what these places really feel like. Anyhoo, 3 days down and 11 to go. Doesn't sound so bad huh? There will be more travel log installments like this to come. I am also going to do one on lawn practice in WA. Ha! There's a thing to behold! Stay tuned and all will be revealled.
From one poet to another, here's to many years of privately subsidised subversiveness. You; successful, public, relevant. Me; radical, marginalised, abrasive. Hopes are high.
I have a modest collection of these sorts of images and a voracious interest in tableau in all its various forms. It's probably not coming through in my work at this point. I thought these might be of interest to a certain vicarious traveller who is partial to dressing up and who also likes a bit of cultural mish mash.
If you were an instrument what would you be? Not something I have thought about for a long time, until someone reminded me. Trying to make the best music of your life that you can. Saw this as we were driving and demanded to pull over immediately as a matter of life or death. Now it seems things have moved on to snappier precussive celebrations. Rock on!
I look tired after an hour and a half! Can't imagine what it's like after 6 months of poor sleep and a life totally directed by the needs of a little peanut. Still it was a lot of fun in that way that surprises you when you didn't think you had it in you. I had the most uncanny sense of my grandmother looking after me in Sydney as a young baby as we took little walks outside in the fresh Freemantle afternoon, keeping to the shade, chewing sunglasses and singing 'blackbird'. Something to do with being close to the ocean.
Me being a bad tourista yet again. Lovely sista and boyfriend took me down to the local beach with Grace. It was blowing a gale but she didn't seem to mind in fact a bit of outside action seems to be just the ticket. Little trooper fell asleep in the car on the way home. In our jaunt out and about we discovered the end of what looked like a huge sailing day in Freemantle. Gonna go back today and see if we can catch some action. Hooray and up she rises early in the morning!
As the new year approaches and the sheckles pile up at Gringot's I am still contemplating getting this work done. It's gonna cost a bomb for sure. Bloody super chux and her put a bird on it has held me back for a while. Japanese wood block artwork of waves and wind with small wrens acrobating for their lives. Peacefully. I had thought that it would be good to Australianise this and make it more relevant due to it's permanence. How good is photoshop?
Those works reminded me of these works. What is it that makes it thata way? Abstracted landscapes in dusky colours speaking softly of approaching horizons. They fill me with the desire to be there, or get there and are made whilst contemplating the journey.
I love the way Jo is the perfect echo to my commentary. It's all about the sing song which is so different culturally and is hard to get used to. The time difference made things a bit unreal but it was so quiet and calm. Beautiful sea breezes and soft evening sun. Me straight away off with shirt and beers out on the back cement. If I can just finish my feces all will be well in the world! Cheers.
So this is what it's like. Light agricultural area of market gardens. I'm pretty happy about that. What's not to like about rows and rows of vegetables. Everything seems faded and worn and slow. This feels like the perfect holiday after all the Melbourne Madness. Glad I'm not going to India after all!
I live at Leicester Square in Melbourne. Fancy. Currently making films using mixed media. I'm loving the yoga, the sailing, variations in gender expression & Buffy Season 8 comics.