Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Totally frazzled

Not a happy camper after last night and then this mornings xmas knit-fester. Writing is like shitting bricks today. No weak sloppy for me, just eye popping constipation. Grunt.


Nanseikan said...

Well a frenzy of bloggish activity! Always a panacea when deadlines loom. NB: more blogs allows more procrastination. I think you should be planning specific project-related blogs (although this from one who doesnt do FB, so there that big time-suck-hole as well). Still waiting to hep with bike replacement. Realise your time is now filled with extra-curricular as well as curricular activities. How's January for you? :D b

this-raft-floats said...

you are so on the money ben-san. it's also a long time between drinks for me and my little sis and we are starting to have fun now. i think i want to give back the gemini cause i don't feel so confident on the skinny wheels. is it ok with you to get that mankey giant back? happy to pay for the new equipment. extra-curricular action is energising to say the least. jan is excellent for me. have a cracker cheers boots